Minimal Invasive Surgery

 Dr. Rajat Gupta

There are a number of different thoracic pathologies in children that need surgical correction. Some of these diseases are congenital like Diaphragmatic hernia, Diaphragmatic eventration, Tracho-esophageal fistula and lobar emphysema, while others are acquired like Empyema thoracis and foreign body inhalation. Thoracoscopy uses an endoscope to visually examine the pleura, lungs, and mediastinum and to obtain tissue for testing purposes. An endoscope is an illuminated optic instrument that is inserted through an incision. The anesthesiologist gives you general anesthesia, which lets you sleep and keeps you free from pain during surgery. Once you're asleep, you're positioned comfortably on your side. The surgeon inserts a thin, tubelike instrument containing a tiny camera through one of the incisions. This camera allows the surgeon to view your lungs on a video monitor. Surgical instruments are inserted through the other incisions. When the procedure is finished, one or more tubes may be temporarily placed in the chest to drain fluid and air. The incisions are then closed with sutures or staples. Thoracoscopic procedures help surgeons to make a better diagnosis and reduce the overall hospital stay and cost of treatment.